Thursday, 31 May 2012


Water slithers down the window
Diving down out of view
Whispering the wind blows strong
Searching for things to do

Bright candles flicker in the sky
Drums sound out and echo
Black and solemn, the sky cries out
And still I do not go.

Zeus attacks and Gaia shudders
Standing both firm and proud
Waging war against each other
Unending, never cowed

And still I stand, silent and tall
Awaiting fate's new call.

Thursday, 24 May 2012


The sun comes up and peeks inside,
calling out to bright young eyes.
Birds sing soft words with tales of might
and valour, stories of heros
from another age fighting for
the forces of justice and right.

He listens, awed, for a moment
then runs downstairs for his breakfast.

The Liar

The truth is more found on the liar's tongue
than in the mouth of an honest man.
For how many times have we heard of the
fineness of his feelings when we know -
we know that the day is rarely so rich?

The liar is not afraid of his words;
he wields them with a foreign finesse
speaking of unity and discernment.
He delves inside the heart of all men,
he knows the heavy power of a word.

Someday I too hope to know his truth.